Friday, December 31, 2010

Chavez’s Venezuela is the Caribbean disaster

"Food sovereignty" implemented by the criminal dictator who usurped the presidency of Venezuela, shows a continuous state of 'no' on the shelves of supermarkets, grocery stores and local government.

When a Venezuelan goes to buy basic staples food, it is the harsh reality of "no. "
No: corn meal, rice, beans, sugar, salt, oil, vegetables, coffee, milk, bread, meat, poultry, fish, eggs…etc.
Going  to market in Venezuela is undertaking a long journey; the Venezuelans have to go from one market to another to acquire a large group of staple foods.
 The markets exist in the midst of an essence of a militarized country, the lack of commodities, empty storefronts and absolute disorder is heartbreaking.

The Venezuelan model shows signs of economic stress, lack of functionality and breakdown.
A hungry people do not have the energy to take to the streets to protest, Chavez’s Nazi plan and strategy is clear, because in a country as rich as Venezuela this situation is inexplicable.

Because of the expropriation of food companies by the state, the local productivity has collapsed, causing the country to import more and more food. Imports are regulated by the government agency Cadivi that denies, daily, thousands of import requests.

Chávez by regulating, expropriating, arresting and killing, is looking for one thing… SUPPRESS to death ...  just like his slogan says: "Fatherland, Socialism or Death.”

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