Tuesday, September 7, 2010

"ID of the good living"

Chavez with the excuse of combating inflation and shortages, made a type of identification, called "ID of the good living”. This ID is a card issued by Bank of Venezuela, for each of its savers.

With the "ID of the good living" Venezuelans have the right to buy products only in the statewide network of socialist and market suppliers, called “Bicentennial”.

With this card, Chávez is starting to build limits, telling Venezuelans:
• Where to buy
• What products you can buy
• How much you can buy
• Who can make purchases

Chavez will have an absolute and total control of the products that are purchased and whom has the right to buy them.
Just as the ration card in Cuba, but with the use of technology, Chávez is rationing the food in Venezuela.

The Chavez government has expropriated and confiscated many private companies and food producers, arbitrarily, with the sole purpose of ending the private sector. Today these companies are non operational. This is the clear purpose of Chavez, and the people in Venezuela suffer more and more every day, until the point that they will be like slaves waiting every month for the food that their master considers to give to them.

This is a clear instrument of the control of Communism established by Chávez, with the intention that the Venezuelans will depend on his government to get food, in the same way that Cubans depend of Castro, through “The Ration Book”, to get food to survive and not die of starvation.

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